>White Elephant Gifts

>Sunday afternoon is our Sunday School annual White Elephant Gift party. I love White Elephants parties! There is a certain panache required to finding the perfect white elephant gift.

You know you’ve got the perfect White Elephant gift when it shows up year after year. I remember ages ago at a different church there was 1 gift that consistently showed up at the annual Sunday School party (my parents’ class).  It was a candle shaped like an armadillo. The darn thing was life sized and very realistic looking. Well, except for the wick in the middle of it’s back.

I was sorting through my donation piles in the garage and found a great White Elephant gift for Sunday. It is a jar filled with potpourri and small battery operated lights. The jar is covered with a white doily along with a jaunty red bow. The whole thing is topped off with red fake flowers and a cardinal. Currently there aren’t any batteries in it but I will put some in so the recipient can get the full effect.

Now all I have to find is 1 more gift before Sunday afternoon. I might just have to head over to my dad’s house and scrounge around in the spare bedrooms. Mom had all sorts of *ahem* unique stuff stashed away.
Do you like White Elephant parties? What has been the best White Elephant gift you’ve seen, given, or received?


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