Goodby Max

On Monday Charlie’s dog, Max, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was a good boi and is greatly missed. After Robert died, Charlie decided he wanted his own dog. Ruby was definitely my dog. Charlie was the “spare human”. We got Max in 2013. On Sunday I came home from running errands and Max didn’t greet […]


Things I just do NOT get

Like most people, there some things in this world that I just do NOT get. These things, ideas, situations, are pretty varied as well. I can write a whole series on “Things I just do NOT Get”. I kinda divided these “things” into very broad categories. Back Away Slowly While Nodding – basically “this person […]


Would we have as teenagers back then?

I have been substitute teaching mainly middle school and high school for just over a year now. Since January 2023 I’ve been long term subbing in ISS (In School Suspension) and filling in regular classes as needed for middle school/junior high. Basically 6-8th grades so I have discovered quite a few things these past few […]


Wordy Wednesday

I’ve started clipping out quotes from books that I have been reading with on Kindle. Most are ones that I find totally hilarious, but a few are deep thoughts. I am going to start sharing these quotes with you as well. Each quote has the author and book title listed. Today’s quote resonated with me […]


Skin Cancer and Sunscreen Use

I know I am beating a dead horse here but please use sunscreen daily all year round. Especially those who are Gen Xers, like me, since we tended to bake ourselves on a daily basis, rarely using sunscreen.  Those teenage sunburns can lead to skin cancer as we enter into middle age.  In 2015 I […]

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