Where do you store your butter?

A few weeks ago I learned something interesting.  One of my sister-in-laws keeps her butter in a kitchen cabinet.  Real butter, not margarine, as in Land O’ Lakes butter.

I did not know you could do that. I thought all dairy type products had to be kept in the fridge or it would spoil.

Maybe it is a Northern or Yankee thing? My brother-in-law is from Buffalo, NY and they’ve lived up there for years.  I’ve never known anyone to keep real butter anywhere but in the fridge.

I was at my SIL’s house and looking for butter for Hubby’s toast. I couldn’t find it in the fridge so I asked Terri, my BIL’s sister, if she knew where it was. Her exact words to me were “If we were in New York I’d say look in the pantry or a kitchen cabinet.”

Voila, there the butter was! My SIL’s explanation is that your house is climate controlled with air conditioning. It won’t spoil. Plus then you don’t have to wait for it to soften before using it!!

I learned something new and kinda cool. So where do you store your butter? In the fridge or pantry/cabinet?


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  1. I keep a stick in a butter dish on my counter in case I want to spread it on toast and i keep the rest in my fridge. I cant be bothered to wait forever for butter to soften 🙂
    Somer recently posted..More RedMy Profile

    • Elizabeth says

      See when I think about it, that makes sense. It must be a Northern thing then.

  2. Always in the fridge. Living in Florida that’s a must even with A/C.
    Susi recently posted..Tell Me About Yourself AwardMy Profile

    • Elizabeth says

      That makes sense to me. Houston isn’t much different in theory than Florida.

  3. I grew up in Louisiana. We always kept butter in the fridge. I did too, until recently, when a friend of mine told me about her keeping her butter in the kitchen (on the counter in a butter dish). I do that too now, since I’m too lazy to warm my butter enough to spread. I have two kids that take my attention and time– the butter needs to be SOFT- LOL.
    Lindsey recently posted..What’s Going in The Easter Baskets.My Profile

    • Elizabeth says

      I don’t actually use real butter unless baking so I keep the margarine in the fridge. I totally get the whole leaving it out so you don’t have to soften it.

      Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  4. I store my real butter on the kitchen counter to be able to spread it directly. It does taste the same and noone has ever got sick of it. 🙂
    Laura recently posted..Waiting for Easter in LondonMy Profile

  5. I store my real butter on the kitchen counter to be able to spread it directly. It still tastes the same and noone has ever got sick of it. 🙂
    Laura recently posted..Waiting for Easter in LondonMy Profile

    • Elizabeth says

      That seems to be the consensus. It just amazes me that I didn’t think of that myself. I guess this shows how much your upbringing affects even the tiny things. No one I knew left the butter out so I never did. Fascinating!

  6. E-beth, I have an old cut-glass candy bowl with a lid on my counter that I keep butter in so it will be soft. Keeps the pests out and the butter contained. Other butter I keep in the fridge until use. Even up here in DFW and its own brand of heat in the summer, we keep the butter bowl busy. Added bonus: the dish belong to my great-grandmother, so I remember her all the time.

    • Elizabeth says

      That is awesome! I love using old things that have wonderful memories. I have a few things like that I use year round and on holidays. Did your parents or grandparents leave butter out? Is that how/why you do it?

      • My mom started doing it while I was in college, and when we got into our house, I started as well, since cold butter tends to crush soft bread and warm toast. It made sense. Also, since I keep it covered, I don’t have to worry about pests (unless it’s the monkeys and they tend to be crumby at times!). When the bowl runs low and looks messy, I wipe out the excess, then wash/dry it, and refill.