>What to buy with my Amazon gift card??

>My Amazon gift card I earned via work arrived in the mail Saturday.  I am so excited! I just can’t decide what books to use my $20 towards. So many choices….

Do I pre-order Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich? I love her Stephanie Plum Series. Or do I buy a couple of paperbacks from authors I can’t find at my local library

I am a Mystery Guild book club member so I use their monthly fliers to help me find new books I might be interested in reading. I tear out the page with the book information on it & store it in a file folder. I have also written down the names of authors I enjoy in the file folder. That way I can search the library online database & request what books I want as soon as the library has them available. Did I mention I love that I can request books online & receive an email notifying me when it ready? I truly LOVE that about my library system.

Back to my dilemma. What to do, what to do???

I can request Charlaine Harris’s newest Dead in the Family from the library but I would be #57 in line to read it. Ugh!  Prehaps Patricia Briggs’s Homecoming ?  Or a cozy mystery such as Laura Child’s The Teaberry Strangler? A funny paranormal like Mary Janice Davidson’s Drop Dead Gorgeous? Romance such as Nora Robert’s Bride Quartet books? Or historical fiction like Lauren Willig’s Pink Carnation series? I do enjoy reading a wide variety of genres – fantasy, romance, mysteries, science fiction, & Christian fiction. 

Hey, ooohhhh, I see Mercedes Lackey has a new series coming out,  Shadow Grail Legacies as well as a new book in her 500 Kingdom series, The Sleeping Beauty. If you’ve not had the opportunity to read any of Mercedes Lackey books, & she has quite a few out there, I highly recommend them. They have a little bit of everything – fantasy, romance, danger, & humor.

I think I am in book overload. Too many wants & a limited budget. I shall have to sleep on it I’m afraid.  Anything you can recommend to further murky up my mind?


{Disclosure * Some of the above links are through Amazon Associates. A few are not.}

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