What are you reading right now?

>Denise over at BlogHer Book Club asked the question, “What are You Reading?” and encourages you to post a picture of the book you are currently reading.

I love to read. I would rather be reading a book than doing anything else in the world. I used to get in trouble at school for reading my books instead of the textbook that I was supposed to be reading. My parents would ground me from reading for fun or pleasure as a form of punishment instead of grounding me from TV or the phone.

I like to think I have a wide range in reading tastes but I definitely have my preferred genres. I love mysteries, fantasy (all sorts of sub genres there), Christian fiction & young adult books. I do occasionally indulge in “serious” reading like a biography or non-fiction but mainly read fiction.

I do not re-read books very often so I have been weeding out my bookshelves over the years. I just do not see a need to keep every single book I buy, specially if I’m not going to read it a second time. That being said, I do have books I keep and read over and over again. Harry Potter and Stephanie Plum by Janet Evanovich being two examples. I do use my local library a LOT! I  love that I can request books from home online & have an email sent when they are ready to be picked up!

Here is the picture I took of the book I am currently reading. I just finished “The Burning Bridge (The Ranger’s Apprentice, Book 2)yesterday and started “Tongues of Serpents: A Novel of Temeraire“.

I strongly encourage you to not only read but read to your kids (assuming you have them). Make time at least once a week to sit down, relax, and fall into another world – whether it is a past time in history, an alternate universe, outer space, the future, or the jungles of Africa or the Amazon. Reading is good for the mind, body and soul.
{Disclosure: the above links to books are via Amazon Associates}
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