>Weekend Events and More

>Today starts a whirlwind of activities that continue for the next week or so. We’re leaving this morning for Lake Buchanan, up near Austin, for a Frost Family Reunion. It’s about a 4 hour drive with my dad, Charlie, Hubby and me all in the same car.

We’re staying at Thunderbird Resort for the weekend. My sister, BIL, nephews and us are staying all weekend. Our cousin Tara and her family are driving in from San Antonio on Saturday. Our other cousins live in Burnet which is nearby. The big shindig will be Saturday all day long. Rachael and I are hoping to make this an annual event.

Ray, Carley and their kids are my cousins on my dad’s side. I haven’t seen Ray since we were maybe 7 or 8 years old. I’ve never met Carley. Tara has never met any of them. Dad arranged this reunion so his brothers kids and their families could finally meet each other. Lots of back story there that I’m not going into for a variety of reasons.

In other exciting news, on Wednesday Hubby, Charlie and I leave for San Diego. I’m going to the BlogHer ’11 conference and we decided to make a family vacation of it. Charlie is very excited to go to Lego Land. I’m excited about learning some new stuff, meeting online friends in person, and seeing San Diego too.

Today my samples of Mary Kay Mineral makeup arrived! I received a compact mini, mineral eye bundle and mineral cheek color. I don’t usually wear makeup at all and I have never worn Mary Kay makeup before. So I’m excited to try it out next week while I’m on vacation. I’ll let you know what I think later on after I’ve had a chance to read all about it, wear it, etc.

I have PTO stuff to finish up before I leave for BlogHer and San Diego as well. We get back on Monday, August 8th and our 1st PTO meeting is the very next day. I’m fundraising chair so I have stuff to present at the meeting.

(I wrote this last night and set it up to run Friday morning. I had better get back to packing, finishing up laundry, gathering up stuff to take with us, etc. if I want to get some sleep tonight.)


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