Watching the News – Conversations with Charlie

I rarely watch the news or anything like it when Charlie is home. It’s not because I’m worried about what he might see or hear, it’s because of the QUESTIONS! Charlie also takes the news very seriously.  A few weeks ago I was watching one of the morning news shows until Charlie woke up. He came into my bedroom and I hopped into the shower, leaving the TV on. This is how the next 20 minutes or so went.

I’m in the shower washing my hair. Charlie walks in and announces in a very solemn voice:

Charlie:  BAD news Mom. Russia invaded the United States today.

Me: (poking my head out from the shower curtain)   Ummmm, while I’m pretty sure Russia has invaded a country today, I can pretty much guarantee it wasn’t the United States.

Charlie gave me the Stink Eye, walked back into my bedroom and continued to watch the news.

A few minutes later Charlie came back into the bathroom with another update.

Charlie: Now I have really really bad news!  So-n-so shot so-n-so and now there is a SHOOTING WAR somewhere. (I can’t remember the exact names or place).

I stopped shaving my legs, poked my head back outside the shower curtain and told Charlie that was good to know. He promptly turned around and went back to watching the news. That was the last update I received until I was dressed. Charlie kept watching the news program and asking questions about every little thing.

While I am happy that Charlie is paying attention to what’s going on in the world I can’t help but giggle at how serious he takes it all. Plus the questions! OMG! If the boy would stop talking long enough he’d hear the answer to most of his questions.  Some of his questions I do not have answers for, especially in the morning before having any breakfast or caffeine in my system. Some of his questions I have a difficult time trying to explain or answer in language a 9 year old will understand.

I know I’m not the only parent with this issues. *ahem* Firemom and Life with Roozle * I am also extremely thankful that I’m not the only one in this particular boat without a paddle. 🙂



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  1. lol Soon you’ll be able to send him to the laptop and tell him to LOOK UP HIS QUESTIONS. 😉
    Denise recently posted..DollfaceMy Profile

  2. Charlie cracks me up!
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