Toothfairy Fail

Last week Charlie lost another tooth, this time a bottom one.  He dutifully put the tooth in his Tooth Fairy pillow and placed them under his pillow all excited about getting another golden dollar in the morning.

Alas, the Tooth Fairy went to bed early and totally forgot to exchange the tooth for a golden dollar coin.

In the morning there was much disappointment but Charlie was pacified with thinking that the Tooth Fairy had an “off” day and went to bed early.

Here is where the Tooth Fair had *ahem* massive FAILURE – she forgot to leave money again!

The next morning Charlie was slightly hysterical, tears and all, that the Tooth Fairy neglected him a second time!

I scrambled for excuses but Charlie was not buying any of them. He was convinced he had done something wrong, that he’d done something to make the Tooth Fairy mad at him. It didn’t matter what reassurances I gave, Charlie was inconsolable. I then grabbed my coin jar and offered to pay Charlie a dollar saying he could write to the Tooth Fairy letting her know how upset he was and asking for an explanation.  Charlie slowly dried his tears and agreed that was an okay compromise.

Whew! A small reprieve.

As I am pouring change out onto my bed, Charlie says “Look Mommy! The Tooth Fairy left my gold dollar quarter in your room instead of mine!!!” Sure enough there was a gold dollar coin mixed in with the other coins scattered on the comforter.  Charlie grabbed the dollar and started bouncing on my bed saying that the silly Tooth Fairy should have known better and how or why did she leave his money in my room.

I admitted I didn’t know how or why the silly Tooth Fairy screwed up like that but was glad we found Charlie’s golden dollar coin.

I’m just glad the Tooth Fairy came through in the end although I still plan on writing a sternly worded note to her about this misbehavior.


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  1. hahahahahahahahaha That’s fabulous. Silly tooth fairy. Had too much to drink, stumbled into the wrong room, tossed coins and flew out to toss her cookies? 😉
    Denise recently posted..Just Say “Green”My Profile

  2. Great story., heres one I tried that worked for me. Lure them out of the room and sneak in before pulling back the pillow and poining to it (throw it in last second) and do the classic “iTS HERE YOU MUST HAVE MISSED IT”!
    Kayla recently posted..Click hereMy Profile

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