>St. Patrick’s Day Parade – downtown Houston

>Yesterday was the annual Houston St. Patrick’s Day Parade. As is our family tradition, we met in front of the Inn at the Ballpark to stake our places to watch the parade. All of the little cousins were there. We even had my SIL Florence in from Buffalo, NY along with cousins Alan & Char from WI. Kiddo wore the jersey Poppa bought him in Ireland a few years ago. It actually is starting to fit him now.

This year Kiddo actually got into the whole grabbing candy & beads as they were being thrown concept. It was so much fun to watch how excited he got over every single stinkin’ piece of candy he managed to grab. Although I must admit, there wasn’t as much candy being thrown this year as in the past. Maybe a sign of the crappy economy? Dunno but I digress.

Kiddo got super excited over all the different vehicles in the parade. It was a constant stream of “Mommy, look at that car! It’s a Toyota (or Mustang, Fire Truck, Army Truck- you get the idea)!”

 After the parade we all walked down to Molly’s Pub, which used to be called Slainte’s. It is an Irish Pub (of course). The plan was to rest there for awhile, drink some Guiness, & eat lunch there. This is where everything fell apart….


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  1. Shelly Kneupper Tucker says