>Speeding Ticket

>Well, on Tuesday I got a speeding ticket. It’s the first one I’ve had in over 15 years. So now I have to pay the court costs (almost as much as the fine) and sign up for Defensive Driving so it doesn’t go on my record. *sigh*

I had about 3 hours of sleep & was running errands with Charlie. Parts of Hwy. 6 are 45MPH & others are 50MPH. Kiddo was talking to me while I was on the phone with a friend when I saw the motorcycle cop flashing his lights right behind me.

Why do cops ask you “Any particular reason you were doing 58 MPH in a 45 MPH zone?” I told the officer the truth – I was exhausted, kiddo was talking to me & I wasn’t paying attention. I thought I was in the 50MHP section to be honest.

Never mind that everyone else was driving the same approximate speed – I was definitely in the middle of the traffic flow. Of course, it only matters what I was doing since I was the person who was caught.

I was 2 blocks away from the 50MPH section & a different city out of his jurisdiction. Darn it!

So I definitely need to sell some stuff in our Etsy store to help cover the cost of the ticket.

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  1. Rachael and Chris says