>Report Card Comments

>Kiddo’s 1st official report card from Kindergarten arrive a few weeks ago. He did just fine, as we expected. In Kindergarten all you get are either E for Exceeds expectations/standards, S for meeting standards/expectations or N for not progressing towards standards/expectations. Kiddo scored all S’s!

I did have some concerns since on a regular basis Kiddo’s folder comes home with either “talks instead of listening” or “keeping hand to himself” circled by the teacher. He still gets a smiley face which is good, even when there is a circle, so it must not be too bad.

In the comment section was this note from Kiddo’s teacher –

Kiddo is an eager, hard working young man. He is a friend to everyone and I am glad that he is a part of our class. Keep reminding him to “do his best job”. Keep reading!

What I’m wondering is if “he is a friend to everyone” is Kindergarten teacher code for the boy never sits still and never stops talking!


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  1. bluecottonmemory says