>PTO at Charlie’s school

>I am now officially the VP of Ways and Means for the PTO at Charlie’s school. That basically means I am the Fundraising Chair. I didn’t want to be the President (yet) so I volunteered for this position. It is something I am passionate about. This was an off year for fundraising at the school in my opinion. Sadly there just was not much parent participation and some other factors that affected the outcome.

I attended the PTO Today Expo in Conroe 2 weeks ago. It was basically just vendors but I was able to get lots of fresh ideas. Allison went with me since she’s been there, done that for years already with her kids. I rely on her wisdom for advice in PTO matters quite a bit.

My plan is to make an appointment with the principal in the next week or so and talk to her about the school’s needs, her plans, goals, what she would like to see the PTO help out with, etc. I believe if there is something concrete we can show the parents that the money goes too, we just might get more participation. At least that is my hope and dream!

For now I am just working out ideas that will bring in the most bang for our buck and not be considered “fundraising”. I want to emphasize all the Effortless Fundraising methods already in place – like the juice pouches, ink jet recycling, Box Tops, etc. They may bring in small amounts but it all adds up over time!

Change takes time and patience; something I am definitely NOT known for. Hopefully if I can get the teachers, kids and PTO members excited, the rest of the parents will catch the enthusiasm.

Keeping my fingers (and toes crossed)!


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  1. Desperate Housemommy says