Learning to ride his new bike

This year the Parent Center, in conjunction with Elves and More,  offered Kindergarten through 3rd graders a chance to earn a new bicycle and helmet. The kids had to meet certain academic, attendance, and conduct standards as lined out in the contract the parents signed over a 3 month time frame. The bikes were delivered Saturday and each child got to pick out their very own brand new bike. Parents were NOT even allowed in the cafeteria with their kid which miffed me a tad as I wanted to take photos!

Charlie was excited but nervous about getting a bike. All morning it was questions about his not knowing how to ride a bike, whether or not someone would laugh at him, what if he never learned how to ride a bike, etc. Once we got to school and met up with his friends, it was smooth sailing. All 3 boys were thrilled with their bikes.

the 3 amigos

My dad helped me put on training wheels yesterday and Charlie took his very first bike ride ever! Lots of “I can’t” from the boy and not much patience from me but Charlie started figuring it out eventually.


We are going to try again this afternoon!



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  1. Yay! It looks like he’s having fun!

    • He was having fun until he got frustrated. Charlie is a perfectionist and if something doesn’t go right the first few times he gives up. Then he never wants to try again which drives me bonkers.

  2. He’ll be racing off before you know it!!!
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  3. what a cutie – It must be so fun to watch him learn to ride