>IRS Envelopes – Conversations with Hubby

>Here is another peek at Hubby’s, shall we say, unique thought process and perceptions.

Our first time to file income taxes as a married couple, way back in the days of the dinosaurs before electronic filing existed, I dutifully filled out the paper forms with the help of my mom. Remember the good old days when you got a thick booklet in the mail from the IRS with the instructions, form, and return envelope inside? If you don’t, then pretend to not look puzzled or confused, this was before the Internet was popular or useful.

Hubby had a cow when he saw me place our completed signed forms in the envelope that had conveniently been provided by the IRS.

Hubby – Stop! Don’t use their envelope! Get one from your mom and use it instead.

Me – Whatever are you talking about? Why would I want to do that?

Hubby – If you use the IRS envelope, you will get audited. If you use a regular envelope, then you won’t.

*stunned silence in my mom’s dining room*
?This was years before the socks conversation. I should’ve known what I was in for then.

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  1. Karen@WaistingTime says