Hubby Update – 2nd Round of Chemo starts today

Hubby’s second round of Chemotherapy starts today. He will spend  6-8 hours in the office and have 2 days of chemo at home with a portable pump. This will be every other Tuesday – Thursday for the next 6 months.

We met with the liver specialist last week. He went over the options for removal of the cancer lesion on Hubby’s liver. The biggest concern is re-sectioning, or surgical removal, of the lesion requires stopping chemotherapy for 6-8 weeks minimum. Ablution, or burning with a laser, is an alternative but not always as effective in getting all of the cancer out. It is less invasive and will not require the stopping of chemo.

Dr. C is presenting Hubby’s case to The Tumor Board at the hospital next month to get additional opinions. The main concern is what could happen if chemo is stopped prematurely. Considering the rupture spread those cancer cells throughout Hubby’s body cavity, those cells are just out there, waiting to start growing and spreading the disease.

Hubby and I are in agreement that we want to reassess his liver in 6 months, after the first round of chemo is done. We are going to have more PET, CT and MRIs done in late February to check on the treatment progress.

The first round went amazingly well! Hubby didn’t have any adverse sideeffects except some sensitivity to cold drinks and a little tingling in his fingertips. After the chemo was done, he felt a little queasy the next day but no vomiting. Today Dr. C is adding Avastin to the chemo cocktail. Since Hubby is also anemic, an IV iron treatment is being done on his last day of chemo as well.

Many thanks to all of you! Y’all have been so supportive and caring. Your prayers are helping! Many many thanks to those of you who chipped in to buy Hubby a Kindle Fire. We’ve ordered it and it is on the way. Now Hubby has something to keep him entertained while sitting in chemo all day.


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  1. Good luck. I hope, that he will be able to make it through the treatments in the same way he made it through the first. It’s so tough living with such a nasty disease and I will keep you in my thoughts. Enjoy that Kindle…
    Susi recently posted..Tasty Tuesday: Susi’s Chicken SaladMy Profile

  2. So glad that the side effects were minimal.

    Sounds like you have a great team behind you.
    TiffanyRom {SITSGirls} recently posted..Reminder: #SITS31DBBB Starts Next Monday!My Profile