Go, go gopher….

Whew! I have been a Go, go, gopher since we got back from our trip Monday night. I hit the door running Tuesday morning for a PTO Spirit Night meeting at Chick-Fil-A (yummy breakfast) and then kept right on going until the first official PTO meeting of the school year that evening. I have been busy ever since!

I have multiple To Do Lists for multiple things – family, house, PTO, etc. Some are more urgent than others but if I don’t write it down, it won’t get done because I’ll forget it.

I am Fundraiser Chair, or 2nd VP Ways and Means, of Charlie’s school PTO this year. It was either this or President. Ha! I am actually enjoying it even though Spirit Wear t-shirts have totally freaked me out this summer!!! Seriously, I have been stressing over those t-shirts and their design since May. According to Hubby there is no reason to be freaking out. What’s the worse the PTO can do to me? Fire me?

Our Back to School Teacher breakfast is Monday and Meet the Teacher is Thursday night. I’m working on door prizes for both this weekend. Plus t-shirt sales and Fall Fundraiser Kick-Off on Thursday. The first day of school is August 22nd.

Our family vacation was wonderful. Lots of fun before and after the BlogHer ’11 Conference. I enjoyed the 2 days of the conference despite not attending as many sessions as I wanted or should have. I got to meet some online friends in real life!! I met some new friends and learned a lot just by talking to other women, brands, etc. I got some cool swag. I even won a Grand Prize from Ford! More details to come on that exciting news.

Also by the end of August I plan on migrating to my own domain and self-hosting. I think I have it figured out courtesy of BlogHer Geek Bar. I do have people I can holler at if I get stuck or royally screw it up. That was one of my main goals of the conference.

I have so much more to share with y’all. Sadly, I have so much more I need to be working on. Dinner calls and then I think I shall read a bit to rest and relax.


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