>Fingerprint Friday

>There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:

I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
You’re a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you’re covered with the fingerprints of God

With Father’s Day coming up I’ve been thinking about God as our Father. Father has such a somber official ring to it. God so much more than that. God chose us as His children. We are adopted into His kingdom as heirs. As an adoptive parent, this has a lot of meaning to me. Did you know that legally adopted children can never be disinheirited or disowned by their parents? Birth children can but the adopted child is your forever. That is what God has done for us as His children. No matter what He can not and will not let us go. God, our Father, wants to be our Daddy that we run to when we are hurting. He wants to be our Daddy we turn to for advice about everything in our lives. He wants to hear how our day went, our worries, our thrills, hopes & dreams. God is Daddy, Abba, Papa, and Father.

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  1. Scott, Joanna, Matthew says
  2. PamperingBeki says
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