>Family Fun

>Last night Hubby, Kiddo & I went to my sister-in-law’s house to help bake the groom’s cakes for the wedding tonight. My brother-in-law is getting married. Florence (SIL) & Will (nephew) are in town for the wedding so we took the opportunity to visit with them as well.

It was a great, relaxing, fun evening! We made Florence cakes, Hubby’s mom’s recipe named after Florence, and ate the 2 that fell. Will, Scott (friend), and Alexis (great-niece) played a game of Sorry! with Charlie. Considering Will & Scott are teenagers & Alexis is 10, it was very nice of them to include a 4 year old. Then we caught Will & Scott paying my son to cheat!!! The Kiddo made 75 cents off the boys.

The SILs flat ironed my hair, told me I need to color my hair, & decided I need a haircut to show off my pretty face more. Hubby is the youngest of 5 kids; the 3 sisters are the oldest siblings.

I scored a free pair of size 18 (down a size) Ralph Lauren casual pants from 1 SIL. She bought them on sale at Macy’s but the pants didn’t fit any of them so I got them. Yahoo!

The wedding is tonight. Kiddo is the Ring Bearer. I’m not overly thrilled with the whole thing to be honest. There is too much family history, trauma, & drama to write here. I just hope it goes well.


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  1. Debsparkles says