>E-newsletter versus paper?

>OK, so somehow I was suckered into volunteered to be in charge of the PTO newsletter at Kiddo’s school. I know they had an official position “Corresponding Secretary” but am not sure there was someone actually filling it previously.

Now I’m in charge of the PTO newsletter that goes out to all the parents in the school. There are 621 students in Kiddo’s elementary school. That is a LOT of paper on a regular basis, some of it duplicate when you consider siblings. What is it with elementary schools and paper by the way? Totally a waste of resources in my opinion. Not just the paper itself mind you, but the time it takes to copy all that stuff, sort it, and stuff it into the teacher’s boxes to be distributed by the teachers to their students.

I realize that not every house has a computer or Internet access. Elementary school kids can’t drive themselves to the public library and use the computers there. I recognize the need for paper stuff to be sent home to parents to some degree. I am just trying to figure out a way to use our resources in a more efficient, cost effective manner. I also know some parents, like me, would prefer an email sent with information instead of a piece of paper.

Anyway, PTO Today has a great mass email system called PEX (Parent Express Email) that is free. I’ve been playing with it as a communication system for the PTO board and regular members. So far I must admit I like it. It is customizable to a degree, allowing for different email lists, sending attachments, and other things. Understanding privacy is an issue; the email newsletter does not show the individual email addresses. This would be a voluntary opt in and can be opted out of at any time.

Here’s my question to you. As a parent, would you sign up for an E-Newsletter instead of a paper newsletter? How often would you want an e-blast sent? Monthly, covering lots of stuff? Or twice a month? I’m talking about listing upcoming events, fundraiser reminders, volunteer information/opportunities, donations needed, etc. The normal PTO newsletter type of stuff.

I totally appreciate the feedback, suggestions and ideas. Thanks bunches!


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