Conversations with Charlie – Motorcross Racing

Charlie loves anything to do with vehicles – Hot Wheels, Monster trucks, NASCAR and just recently he started watching Motorcross racing. Whenever Charlie is watching a race or event he comes and give me a play by play recap of what is going on at the time. Totally annoying but I’m hoping it is a short lived phase.

Sunday Charlie  watched a Motorcross race on SPEED TV.  Here is one of his recaps:

Mommy, Mommy, Mooommmyyyy!  oh my gosh! One of the motorcycle guys lost control of his bike and fell off. His motorcycle flew in the air and bonked another racer in the head. Well, actually it hit his helmet. He’s okay. It didn’t hurt that much.

I’m not sure how my son decided being hit in the head with a flying motorcycle didn’t hurt that much. Maybe it was because they wear helmets ? Or because the race didn’t stop?


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  1. I suspect it’s a combination. We tell kids to wear helmets to keep them safe. And they know that this is true – helmets protect them from injury and injury is what equals pain. And they know themselves if something hurts, they stop what they’re doing — and since the race didn’t stop, well, nobody got hurt.

    I love Charlie – he’s fabulous.
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    • That was my thinking, since the guy got up and the race continued then by Charlie’s reasoning, the guy wasn’t hurt. He knows if there is a bad crash in NASCAR that the race stops or the pace car comes out. It just kinda struck me as funny.

      Thank you! We think the kid is pretty fabulous too. I love seeing the world through his eyes.