Conversations with Charlie – Bad Words

The other day Charlie told me all about how a girl in his class got in trouble with the teacher.

Charlie – Today Lola said a bad word in class.

Mommy – Oh my. Did she get in trouble?

Charlie  – Uh-huh. Mrs. D had to talk to her. She said a really really bad word. Lola said the S.H. (said each letter separately) word. It starts with the letter S and an H.

Mommy – Goodness. (thinking “oh crap” we say that word all the time)

Charlie – Yeah. Lola said Shut Up! That’s a really really bad word Mommy. You should never tell anyone to Shut Up.

Whew! Dodged a bullet there…..


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  1. It’s so funny when kids come home from school and tell you what a bad word is. Sometimes, I roll my eyes. It’s so hard to be politically correct these days and make sure the kids behave themselves in the way it’s expected. Just like mommy, I know, the kids sometimes slip…
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