Charlie’s debut video of him singing!

Santa brought Charlie an iPod Touch Generation 4 for Christmas this year. Basically I was tired of Charlie “borrowing” my iPhone all the time to play Angry Birds or take photos, etc.

Charlie LOVES his iPod! He has been using it every day for different things, mainly playing Angry Birds (all versions). He has run through almost $75 in iTunes gift cards  already. Charlie has discovered the camera and video function on his iPod as well. He has been chasing the poor dog for days taking her picture and trying to video her doing dog stuff.

I will post some of his home videos and photos later this month.

Normally my son does NOT like to have video taken of him. Charlie stops whatever he is doing whenever he realizes I am videoing him. He comes to the camera and asks “Can I see?”

Saturday night Charlie was in rare form. He actually brought his iPod to me in my sewing room and asked me to video him singing a song. This is the first time EVER Charlie has volunteered to have his photo taken or a video taken. So of course I obliged.

This is the result…

Charlie singing his made up song






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  1. Hahaha. That made me smile. He’s a cute kid.
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