Charlie’s photos – Take 2

Since the comment box was not showing up on the post about Charlie’s photos from Saturday I thought I would try again.

I gave Charlie one of my extra cameras so he could take his own pictures while on our trip. Some of them turned out pretty darn good! These are just some of the pictures Charlie took, all are unedited.

Impala, the McDonalds of the African savannah

hippos in a watering hole

what you looking at?

elephant checking us out

sticker book

warthog eating lunch

I plan on printing some of these out, just not sure if I want to print onto canvas or use traditional type frames. A friend also suggested having them printed out on t-shirts for family members which I think is an awesome idea. Thanks Julie! Any suggestions?


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  1. Robin Brown says

    Those are fabulous! You could turn them into note cards or postcards for him to use as thank you notes for the coming year. You are such a great Mom!!!
    😀 Robin