>Boys and Girls

>My son is cute, handsome even. I know that and apparently so does every little girl in a 5 mile radius. Last year at Pre-K all the moms told me how much the girls in the class just adored Kiddo. They were all over my little boy. Kiddo, on the other hand, had no clue there were even girls in the class. Girls just weren’t on his radar.

When Kindergarten started, Kiddo reported that he had to sit next to a girl at school and he didn’t like that. If I asked him about the girls in his class, he did at least know their names but said he didn’t play with them at recess.

I walk to school to pick up Kiddo. Some girls from Kiddo’s class also get picked up by walking parents. They are all over my son while he barely acknowledges them.

Until this past Friday. On Friday things changed.

Friday, right after breakfast, Kiddo ran to the bathroom saying his hair had to be fixed for Annabelle. Then Kiddo stated he only wanted to wear yellow Silly Bands because he was going to trade with Annabelle and that was her favorite color. Then Kiddo said he wanted Annabelle to come over after school and play.

*sigh* And so it begins….


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  1. A Family of Love says
  2. victorias_view says
  3. Jackie (WritRams) says