>A Tale of 2 Socks Part Deux

>Needless to say Hubby’s strong belief in the existence of designated left and right socks has caused many a giggle in his family. Did I mention Hubby has a large extended family? He has 5 nephews and 1 niece. The oldest nephew is only about 12 years younger than Hubby.

Anyhow, I shared the left/right sock conversation with Hubby’s sisters shortly after it took place. My sister-in-laws proceeded to share the story with their spouses and children. And they told 2 friends, and they told 2 friends, and so on and so on. 

Christmas that year Hubby got a gift from his nephews at the annual family Christmas Eve party. They each bought him a package of white tube socks. Each sock was labeled either LEFT or RIGHT in black laundry marker. Hubby was not amused. 

The rest of us were laughing hysterically.  

It still makes us laugh.


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