>A Christmas Tour of my House – Part 2

>Part 2 of my tour around the house featuring my various attempts at Christmas Decor features the kitchen and family room. My kitchen is what is referred to as a “galley” shape in that it is long and narrow. It is hopelessly outdated (avocado green oven & counter tops anyone?). It does have a nice window over the sink along with a bay window. I never really know what to do in the kitchen decoration wise until I saw the cutest idea over at Thrifty Decor Chick.

Using simple tension rods, red velvet ribbon, leftover ornaments from my ornament wreath, and more skinny ribbon I already had I made these for my kitchen windows.

In our family room I have our huge fireplace decorated with my ornament wreath, our stockings, Charlie’s advent calendar, and 2 Nativity sets. The cloth one my mom made for us when Hubby and I first married. The other I made years ago in VBS when I was in high school and helping my mom teach the crafts for the week.
?This year I set out my grandmother’s angel choir and orchestra. She always displayed it on her coffee table at Christmas. Sadly most of the pieces have been broken or lost over the years. There used to be a complete symphonic orchestra (pianos, drums, etc) and choir. I have hesitated to display it before now because I didn’t want Charlie to break any of it.
The only other decorations in our family room, besides the tree, are the other Nativity sets. Mom collected Nativities from all over the world. Slowly I’ve been migrating some of her sets to my house. Here are some I have displayed right now.
The tree and the hallway tomorrow!
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