10 Interesting Facts about Me

This is based on BadLuckDective’s challenge over on BlogHer – list 10 interesting facts that people may not know about you and put them on your About Page or write a blog post. Suzie is a professional writer so she came up with 25 things for blog,  The Bad Luck Detective.

I accepted her challenge. Now I am an…ahem…over-sharer by nature (shocker I know) and am having to dig deep to come up with 10 things you may not know about me. Then again, some of you I’ve only met in person for a short amount of time so maybe I didn’t spill all my childhood secrets at that time. Then again I do over-share on social media so maybe none of these things will surprise you. It could go either way.

1. I have my Ham (Amateur Radio) license both in the US and Swaziland, Africa.

2. My favorite vegetable is fried okra. My 2nd favorite is green beans.

3. I am a MK, Missionary Kid. My parents went overseas with JAARS, a part of Wycliffe Bible Translators when I was in 5th grade. We were stationed in Juba, Sudan.

4. Because of the above mentioned facts I have several “unusual” talents. I can carry a bucket of water on my head and pee in the wilderness without getting any on me or my clothes. There is not enough room to share all of them.

I’ve used worse.

5. I can lay brick, tie rebar, float cement, and a host of construction-y type things. My grandfather was a carpenter. I have been on 2 construction type mission trips. I prefer to pay someone to do those things now.

tying rebar before pouring cement for new basketball court in Cyprus

6. I don’t like chocolate very much.

7. I have been attacked by African Army Ants. It was in Cameroon when we were doing our survival camp out night. It was not fun. Army Ants are carnivores. They eat meat, including humans. Feel free to imagine it – the African jungle, a dry river bed, no amenities, truly roughing it. My parents, me and my sister, the middle of the night and millions of carnivorousness ants.

8.  I played Alto Sax in band in middle school and high school.

9. We moved just about every 2 years of my life. My dad was in the oil industry and then the missionary work.  I went to boarding school for 1 year and correspondence school one year.

10. I am scared of the dark and heights. Really scared of heights.  I once refused to climb the stairs to get out of some National Park cave we were touring when I was younger. I threw such a hysterical fit the park rangers closed the cave down and we went back out through the cave instead.

Well there are the 10 things I believe I’ve not shared with many of you, online at least. I am sure there are more recent things too but then again I have probably already shared those. I’m not called a blabbermouth for nothing!

This has me waxing nostalgic. I’ll have to dig out some photos from our Africa years. A few years I ago I scanned my parent’s newletters from when we were in Sudan. Maybe I’ll post some of those soon.



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  1. That was fun! I especially loved reading about the skills acquired as a MK and seeing the pictures!
    Beckey recently posted..Raspberries and ParanoiaMy Profile

    • Elizabeth says

      It was fun! I enjoyed reading your list too. I thought the photos were a nice touch but then I’m also a bit of an overachiever. I have big grandiose ideas but they don’t always pan out. 🙂

  2. LOVE your list! From being able to carry a bucket of water on your head to army ants, I was enthralled. Thank you for accepting the challenge, is it polite to say I like you even more now? Well I do!
    Suzie Ivy recently posted..Awarded Top 10 Law Enforcement Blog 2012My Profile

    • Elizabeth says

      By all means! There are photos of us carrying the water somewhere at my dad’s house. It was down the mountain to get to the pump, then back up the trail and stepping over a large fallen tree. There is a trick to it though that National Geographic never tells you!

  3. Cathy Roberts says

    I have always wanted to know someone who doesn’t like chocolate. I’m impressed you can pee in the wilderness without getting it on yourself or cloths. My Dad was a MK, missionary kid, but not as long as you, just the first 2.5 years of his life. The Ant story makes me shudder. Ick. Ouch!

    • Elizabeth says

      Thanks. The chocolate thing has happened slowly over the years. I was never a big fan but like it less and less over time. I can eat about 3 M&Ms and be done. The ant thing was so not fun!

  4. Wonderful list and interesting list! Ants! Radio! Construction work! (Ahh, that one has much appeal to me.)

    • Elizabeth says

      The construction was fun when I was young and had more energy, etc. Skills that are handy to have though as you go through life. Thanks!

  5. wow.. you can carry water on your head… now that is a talent! I have never had okra
    Feeling Beachie – Hilary recently posted..A year….My Profile

    • Elizabeth says

      I only like okra when fried. Boiled it is just too slimy for me! The water thing does take some skill but there is also a trick to it that most people aren’t aware of.

  6. Belinda Stroming says

    Wow. it’s nice to know that you like okra. In my country here in southeast asia, okras grow everywhere. We just pick em up when we are hungry and wash them and boil them
    Belinda Stroming recently posted..the wonder wheelerMy Profile

  7. What an adventurous life you’ve lived. Thanks for sharing. The ants sound awful!

    Stopping by from SITS.
    misssrobin recently posted..Feedback on Your BlogMy Profile