>Strawberry and Tomato plants

>Charlie loves strawberries! We all eat tomatoes. I am tired of paying almost $3 for a small box of strawberries and $1.80 for a pound of tomatoes. So I am going to grow these in pots on the deck. My parents usually had a vegetable garden in the backyard when I was growing up. I personally am NOT into gardening or yard work in general. But I just can’t stand the prices of stuff nowadays so I’m going to start small with these fruits and veggies. Our deck gets full sun so they should do pretty well.

So Dad buys me 1 tomato plant and 1 strawberry plant. I buy 3 more strawberry plants and 2 more tomato plants. Last Saturday, Charlie and I helped Dad re pot some of his flowers and he gave me the old pots.

Today Charlie and I scrubbed Dad’s pots which were moldy. They are drying off and we will transplant the tomatoes and strawberry plants tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.

Charlie does not like to get dirty or wet so this should be interesting!

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