>O Christmas Tree! Part 3 of my Christmas Home Tour

>Part 3 of my Christmas House Tour features our Christmas tree. We used to have a huge fat super fluffy tree that I loved! Last year while I was recovering from surgery Hubby went and bought a pre-lit tree. He was tired of messing with stringing the lights. The new tree is nice but not as fat and fluffy as I like.

Last year Hubby and I found the cutest Christmas train for Charlie. It mounts on the tree trunk so the train goes around the middle of your tree. Charlie loves making it go!

Here is our decorated Christmas tree. The center front is ornament heavy due to Charlie’s helping to decorate it. The boy notices if I move a single ornament so there hasn’t been much rearranging by me.

The rest of the house is pretty plain. There is a fabric snowman hanging on the linen closet door. We have a mistletoe ball hanging in the doorway between the hall and family room.
Well, that is the complete tour of the holiday decorations in my house. I hope you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas!
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