NaBloPoMo for November

You may or may not have heard of NaBloPoMo before. NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month and was started in 2006.The theme for November is Blogging for Blogging’s Sake.

Basically you commit to posting every single day in November, including the weekends. There are writing prompts provided daily or you can come up with something on your own. Photos like Wordless Wednesdays count too!

BlogHer is hosting NaBloPoMo this month. You can read other blogs that have signed up on their Blog Roll. I’m number 1687 on the list. You can sign up yourself through Nov. 5th. Prizes will be given away daily!

I don’t usually post on weekends so this will be an extra challenge for me. Some weeks I’m better at posting than others. I need to focus on branching out and writing about more than just stuff about Charlie. I am going to try to finish some drafts I’ve got started. I don’t know how far I’ll get into the month before skipping a day but I’m going to try. Thank goodness for scheduling options! (those count by the way).

You can check out more by clicking on the cute NaBloPoMo bling on the sidebar to the right. Or any of the links in this post. Join me as I challenge myself to write more and write better.


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