>Got my freezer!

>Wahoo! Hubby, Kiddo, & I went to my sister-in-law’s to pick up their old freezer. They are buying a new super fancy fridge & putting their old refrigerator in place of a freezer. Now that my SIL’s kids are grown and out of the house, she doesn’t need a big dedicated freezer anymore. So now it is all MINE!

I’m very excited about this. I’ve been wanting a freezer for some time now. It will help with budgeting groceries and planning for meals. I even bought a book titled “Once a Month Cooking” that is pretty cool with menu plans for making up meals & freezing them. I can’t wait to try it out!

I can start moving stuff into the freezer this afternoon. I will also work on finishing up re-organizing the garage this afternoon. I started yesterday morning but didn’t finish before picking up the freezer. Afterwards, I was too pooped!


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