Good Grief

Good Grief, by Granger Westberg, was recommended to me by our pastor when Robert was hospitalized for the final time. I didn’t read it until this past winter.

It is a small book, only 64  pages including the introduction and afterword. It was originally written in 1971 and has been reprinted many times over. The author was a teacher, chaplain and pastor. The book is based on a sermon about grief Professor Westberg gave in 1961.

It is a simple book, easy to read and understand. The author discusses the 10 stages of grief and grieving. He talks about “small” and “large” losses as the same. Grief is normal, it is natural and part of daily life in one form or another.

What I love about this book is how the author weaves his mantra of “grief is healthy, normal and ok” throughout the book. That is how the book got it’s title in fact. Good Grief is intended to help people work through their grief in a healthy way. I also love how Westberg addresses questions of faith and God as a normal part of the grieving process as well.

I’ve found myself highlighting parts of the book as I read it. I’ve read it twice now and most likely will continue to re-read it over the years.  I’ve considered keeping a couple of copies on hand for giving to others who are in the grieving process.

I highly recommend this book, Good Grief, to anyone who has suffered a loss, whether large, small, recent, or years ago. I hope it helps someone else as much as it has helped me.


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