Feeding the Birds

I have 4 bird feeders in my backyard. I love watching the birds and squirrels. So do Charlie and the dogs. We have cardinals, blue jays, yellow finches, and even green parrots from Mexico visit our bird feeders. And the usual sparrow, doves, and grackles.

Bird food isn’t cheap.  My birds are greedy and odd. They empty the bird feeders in a very specific order, despite what order I fill them.

I’ve come up with a much cheaper bulk option thanks to my dad and the local Tractor Supply Company store.  I have a large 33 gallon metal trash can with a locking lid out on the deck where I store the bird food. Makes it super easy to refill the feeders as needed.

bird food chicken scratch cracked corn sunflower seeds ear corn squirrel food

Here is what I buy once a month:

50 pound bag of cracked corn (also called chicken scratch)

40 pound bag of black oil sunflower seeds

35 pound bag of mixed wild bird food (generic)

6.5 pound bag of ear corn for the squirrels

I mix it all together (except for the ear corn) and all of that costs me approximately $40. I usually get 30-45 days of food out of that, depending on how often I refill my feeders. My bird feeders are large sized. Depending on what is on sale and the mood I’m in I will add some extras to my mix. I’ve added meal worms and thistle seeds to the basic mix.

There are 2 squirrel feeders mounted on the fence. I’ve discovered that if I keep those full the darn squirrels leave my bird feeders alone. I’ve also stocked those with apple slices and suet in the past.

My reward is sitting in my office and watching the birds come and go. Or watching Max and Ruby chase the squirrels back and forth on the fence.  Totally brings a smile to my face and brightens up my day!

Do you feed critters in your backyard?




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