Easter 2008

On Easter Sunday Charlie woke up really early – 3:45am. He was still on London time from our trip with my dad. I was a bad mommy since I was not on London time. I put in a 2 hour DVD, gave Charlie a Pop-Tart and a sippy cup of milk and proceeded to go back to bed. I promptly fell back to sleep.

After church we ate lunch with my dad. He gave Charlie a Hot Wheels Easter Egg gift. It had a giant chocolate Easter egg and 2 cars in it! Hubby ate the chocolate egg and Charlie loved playing with his new Hot Wheel toys.

Then Hubby, Charlie, and I went to my sister-in-law’s house. Charlie got some cool Wonder Color paints from Aunt Linda and more Hot Wheel cars from Aunt Irene and Uncle David. Charlie played with his cousins all afternoon.

What a great Easter!


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