Conversations with Charlie – Charlie-isms

All kids say cute and funny things. Charlie is no exception as my many “Conversations with Charlie” posts prove. Here are some random things that Charlie has said in the last month or so.


While sitting on my lap – “Mommy, your lap is so comfortable but slippery”  (as he slid off when I moved)

“When was the last time Max brushed his teeth? His nose smells like rotten pickles.”

When my dad told Charlie “See ya later alligator”, Charlie responded “See ya later crocodile”.

“Jinx! Pinch, Poke, you owe me a soda!”

I am quite sure there are more Charlie-isms that I am not remembering right now.  Sadly I am sitting outside Starbucks in my work jammies using their WiFi since my internet has been acting up since yesterday. I keep getting “limited connection” at home despite unplugging and replugging the router/modem thingy back in. Hopefully it will be working properly today.



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