>School Fundraising Kick-off started yesterday!

>The Kiddo’s new school started it’s 1st official fundraiser, Christian Collection, yesterday. This helps keep tution down plus provides extra money for special events & activities. Each student’s goal is to sell 10 items. The catalog, information, & order form came home in Kiddo’s binder.

This is alot more involved than the previous Butter Braid fundraisers his daycare had! At least there is more variety of stuff in the catalog but I’m not sure I can sell it as well. Let’s face it – Kiddo is 4.5 years old – it is so gonna be Mom & Dad pimping this stuff!

Good news is you can purchase online and Kiddo will still get credit. I’m sending out emails, updating Facebook, Twitter, and this blog to all friends & family so they can look at the catalog & decide if they want to purchase anything.

Feel free to click to see the Christian Collection catalog. If you want to purchase something, just be sure to mention Charles White, Southminster School, Missouri City, TX when you check out so Kiddo gets the credit & the school gets the money.



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