JH Moncrieff

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I am not a fan of horror. I don’t like to be scared. I have a healthy respect for the dark. I’m not into gore and blood. So I tend to stay away from movies, books, and TV shows that are horror related. When my friend Somer wrote a book, Vicki Beautiful in the horror genre, I dutifully purchased it and read it. To my surprise I enjoyed it. Totally creepy in the best kind of way.

So when Somer recommended JH Moncrieff’s books I thought I would take a look at them. Luckily one of her books was free on Kindle so if I didn’t like it I wasn’t out any money. Great rationalization right?

I thoroughly enjoyed reading The City of Ghosts, Ghostwriter Series 1. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I went and bought the next 2 books in the series. The 3rd book was released yesterday.  The characters are likeable. The premise is good. Not too gory and includes historical type details along with travel.

If you like horror or even just slightly scary, then check out this author.

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