Hubby Update – Bowel Obstruction #2

hehehe….snort….pardon the pun.

On Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, Hubby was scheduled for his follow up appointment for the Clinical Trial Phase 1. We were hoping to be able to start the trial.

One drug was approved by insurance,  hydroxychloroquine. The second drug, non formulary and being used with “off market” purpose, was not approved. MD Anderson worked with Merck to get Hubby into a pharmaceutical assistance program so that drug would be covered for free! YAY! The drug, Vorinostat, is going to be mailed directly to the house from Merck.

The Trial was postponed because Dr. Naing wanted to make the obstruction was 100% cleared and Hubby was feeling much better, eating solids again, etc. Totally understandable. Disappointing but understandable.

Well, Hubby didn’t stay on his soft food diet the day he was released from the hospital. Nor did he walk. So his tummy started hurting again. Go figure. So I immediately put Hubby back on the clear liquids and soft foods which helped. I nagged him into walking as much as I could.

Tuesday night Hubby started throwing up again.  Since he had an appointment at MD Anderson Wednesday we just figured we’d skip the ER this time and hoped the vomiting stopped.

It didn’t.

Dr. Naing sent Hubby back to the ER for admittance to the hospital. The trial is still postponed.  Hubby has another bowel obstruction or maybe it is the same one and it didn’t clear out 100% before? I’m not really sure.

No NG tube this time around since the vomiting has stopped. Back on clear liquids and lots of walking. Hoping to avoid surgery.

Hubby is feeling pretty good overall and visitors are welcome.



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  1. Fingers crossed for no surgery.
    sassymonkey recently posted..Agatha Christie’s Grand TourMy Profile

    • Surgery is now definitely ruled out, unless a perforation happens. Hubby said the doctors did mention a stint thingy as an option but right now – liquids, soft foods and lots of walking.

  2. Hey there, Beth! Thinking of you both and hoping things improve quickly. Great the medicine will be covered. Sending you strength and love, Fondly, Robin
    Robin recently posted..Home – Family – SunB, Blog Home!My Profile

  3. Harry White says

    Do Ernie and I need to come over and kick his butt for you Beth? We have buried two Aunts one Uncle and a Cousin this year. Robert get youre A into G. One word for you Cousin, ‘Charlie’ love Harry.