Prime NOW

Have you heard about Amazon’s Prime NOW? It is a special perk just for Amazon Prime customers. Download the app or go online, place your order, and BAM! Amazon delivers within 2 hours. AWESOME! **** FLASHBACK to Sunday **** Sunday morning I discovered my car keys are lost. Charlie and I searched the main places I keep […]


Failing Forward

I heard this phrase in my Weight Watcher’s meeting last week.  Failing Forward. I really like it. A lot. It describes just about any process a person undertakes that requires work, change, and time.  When you mess up, and you eventually will, your attitude towards the mistake makes all the difference in the world. If you […]


Lazy Man’s Breakfast Tacos

I’m lazy when it comes to the kitchen. I don’t like to cook. I am all about quick and easy meals. I love breakfast tacos and so does Charlie. What I don’t like is the whole scrambling eggs, cooking bacon, and getting a pan dirty part of the breakfast tacos. So I came up with […]


Too Much Stuff!

I am a packrat. I come from a long line of packrats on both sides of my family. I am sentimental. I love the memories attached to items. I am the care taker of family history and heirlooms. HOWEVER there is too much stuff in my house and garage right now! Most of the stuff […]


Seven app

Charlie’s physical therapist recommended this app to me. They had been using it in Charlie’s sessions. Seven is free and pretty simple to use. It is basically a set of exercises you complete in 7 minutes. The default setting is for a whole body workout. It is pretty intensive for being just 7 minutes! There […]

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