>Yeah…the stitches are out! Freedom!

>Yeah, today the stitches and big bulky bandage are finally removed from my left hand. I can type again! And get my hand wet, lift things, etc.

This weekend I plan on getting stuff done I couldn’t do while hampered with my arm in a sling, like wrap Christmas presents. I also plan on getting some sewing done for my Etsy store along with photographing and listing items.

I talked my sister into starting an adoption blog for her and Chris. That way they can keep friends and family in the loop during this process. Plus Rachael and Chris can explain their reasons for adopting from Russia, link to the adoption agency, post photos, and other stuff. Their church is starting a matching donation fund for them which is really nice. Rae’s share of the profits from our Etsy store will also go towards funding the adoption. As I know, adoption is expensive, whether it is domestic or international.

Well, I’m off to get some work done around the house.

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