The Mighty Hunter

A few weeks ago I was in the shower and heard Charlie screaming his head off. “OMG! MOOOOOMMMM! Quick, Come now! You can hear the crunching!!” Once I determined that Charlie was okay and not in immediate danger, I finished my shower and got dressed.  Charlie practically dragged me into his bedroom. Tom Cat had […]


It’s a Trap I tell you! A trap

Cat tummies are adorable. They are so cute and fuzzy, just begging to be rubbed. NEVER do it! Don’t give into the temptation. It is a cunning trap to lure you in. Once you touch that fuzzy tummy, BAM! Quick as lightning, the cat attacks you.  Your hand is trapped between 4 sets of claws and 1 set of teeth. […]


TomCat is Sulking

Yesterday was Tom’s annual check up at the vet. Thankfully Tom is pretty zen in his cat carrier and riding in the car. It is when Tom Cat arrives at the vet’s office the trouble begins. I warned the vet tech that Tom will bite in addition to clawing when ticked off. They ended up […]


Happy International Cat Day!

To celebrate International Cat Day, which Tom Cat says is every day silly, here are some photos of Tom Cat.


Tom Cat is Weird

I’ve had cats for pets off and on for years. Cats are definitely unique animals but Tom Cat is off the charts weird, even for a cat. Charlie says Tom is not weird but unique. Whatever. For example, Tom does not like baskets, buckets, or boxes. I have these items scattered all over the house. […]

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