Wordless Wednesday – Misc photos

At Charlie’s cousins’ house for their birthday party.  Elizabeth


>Cousin’s birthday party

>My great-nephew turned 13 on Valentine’s Day this year. Dominic had a friend party earlier and then the poor kid had to have a family party which included all his much younger cousins. After Dominic, the next 2 are girls age 9, then boys age 6, 5, 4, and then the baby girl at 10 […]


>Cousin in Russian

> I just made a t-shirt for Charlie with the word “cousin” on it in Russian. I thought it would be cute for when my sister and BIL get farther along in the adoption process as a way for Charlie to show his support for the adoption. I also think it might be something we […]


>Sammy & George’s gifts done

>I finished Sammy’s Hanukkah gift today. I had completed George’s earlier. These are my cousin’s kids. Tara converted to Judaism when she and Alex married. So I send the boys Hanukkah gifts instead of Christmas presents. I’m pretty proud of how Sammy’s sweatshirt turned out. George has a dreidel and Sammy has the Menorah candles. […]

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