>Kindergarten Awards

>The last week of school all the grades had their award ceremonies. When I asked Charlie’s teacher if he was getting an award (so I could try to get off work) her reply was “It’s Kindergarten, everyone gets an award!”. So Hubby and I went to the award ceremony.

There were 3 Kindergarten classes this year. At the start of the ceremony all the classes sang “The Wheels on the Bus” with some different verses like “The librarian on the bus says Read, Read, Read”. It was very cute.

Each student got a Promotion certificate stating they had successfully completed the requirements for Kindergarten. Then individual students also received different awards for different things like Perfect Attendance. Charlie received a certificate from the librarian for being a Top Reader. That means his reading log was filled out weekly (by us) and he read or was read to a minimum of 2 hours per week.

It was a cute little ceremony. It only lasted about 30 minutes in total. Charlie was thrilled with his certificates. He is so excited to be a First Grader now!


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  1. Rachel Joy says
  2. Debsparkles says