Giving Tuesday

This attitude of thankfulness should really happen all year long but often I, just like many other people, get so caught up in the day to day minutia of life that I forget about being thankful.  I forget that I have many things that people in the US and the rest of the world do not. I have a roof over my head, I have running water and electricity, I’ve got food in my pantry and can feed my son daily. We have warm clothing for the winter.

So many do without all year long. There is a lot of focus on helping the needy during Thanksgiving and Christmas. That is a good thing BUT it is not enough. People are hungry year round in the United States. Kids go without food or warm clothing. Families go without necessities such as heat or air condition because they need to pay rent or buy food. WIC and other programs only do so much. In the poorest area of the US, Appalachia , even food banks get depleted.

December 1 was Giving Tuesday. I hope you consider charitable donations through out the year and not just during the holiday season. There are many reputable charities out there. My favorite and one I care deeply about is Monkey Do Project. There are many reasons I support MDP and hopefully you will too.

monkey do project my life such as it is appalachia

*Facts, info and map from the Appalachian Region Commission


Monkey Do Project was started by a friend who has a calling to help people in the Appalachian region. Her family is from that area and Jackie knows first hand how poor that region is. Appalachian region covers parts of 13 states. Do you realize over 16% of the homes in the area are substandard? That means the homes have no indoor plumbing and too many people living in them. In 2014 93 out of the 420 counties in Appalachia are defined as the poorest regions in the entire country.

Our current project and need is stockings for 60 kids in Clay County, WV.  When a parent is struggling to provide food and shelter things like gifts go by the wayside. Imagine yourself as a parent and unable to provide even the smallest of Christmas gifts to your kids. Not even able to provide a Christmas tree, decorations, stockings, or even a holiday meal for their family. No pictures with Santa.

MDP has partnered with Clay County Health Department to provide filled stockings for 60 kids. The stocking will contain items such as mittens/gloves, healthy snacks, toothbrushes, small toys, and more. A $25 donation will provide 2 KIDS with stockings and help cover shipping costs as well.  $25 will make 2 children very happy!  For the cost of a dinner out or a tank of gas, you can provide 2 children with Christmas dreams.  Please consider making a donation. ANY size donation is appreciated.  Please share information about Monkey Do Project and our projects via your social media outlets as well.

monkey do project appalachia hunger charity

signature elizabeth my life such as it



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