Interesting Interesting

Charlie has a new catch phrase. It’s hard to describe but he will respond to things by saying “Interesting. Interesting.” There is just a hint of a pause between the words. Sometimes Charlie will add a Very Interesting at the end. Every time he does this I envision Arte Johnson from Laugh-In.


What was that stench?

At one point during our trip back home I thought I had run over a skunk. I was wrong.


All Dressed Up


Charlie’s To Do List

I have been writing up a daily To Do List for Charlie over the summer. I start work at 7am so it got posted on Charlie’s door before he woke up. This was the most recent list. Please note the last item.


8th Grade

Today is the first day of school down here. Charlie is officially an 8th grader! As such he did not want his photo taken but I prevailed. I start work at 7am now so the photo was taken in my office instead of the traditional in front of the garage pose.

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