A wedding, water park, camping and the ER

Sounds like the opening line to a really bad joke doesn’t it?  Unfortunately the punch line was on me! Oy! What a weekend.

It started out fabulous. Saturday was Scout Day at Schlitterbahn in Galveston. The Pack made plans to go and then camp out at Galveston Island State park for our spring overnight camping trip. Everything was perfect!

Then I realized my dear friend’s wedding was the same weekend. No worries, I would go to Schlitterbahn in the morning, head back to town in the afternoon and the wedding Saturday night. Then get up Sunday morning and head back to Galveston for breakfast with the Cub Scouts. Easy peasy right!

Saturday actually worked out as planned. I had a blast at the water park and so did the boys. Swimming belt loops, pins and patches were earned. I left around noon and headed to our campsite. Michelle, one of the Cub Scout moms, had already checked in and started setting up the campsite. I dropped off all the Pack’s supplies along with Charlie’s camping gear. After setting up his tent I headed back towards home. Made it back in time to get my nails done before getting all prettied up for the wedding. I wore my amazing blue dress that makes me feel like Marilyn Monroe.  My friends helped with the jewelry and accessories. How did we ever live without Instagram, Facebook or Twitter?

Bertha’s wedding was lovely! So perfect for Bertha and Carlos. I have not seen Bertha smile so much – she  was glowing with joy and happiness! I met up with some friends from work I hadn’t seen in ages and enjoyed watching all the couples dance. The food was divine and plentiful.

Sunday morning was where it all went downhill. I woke at 6:12am sick.  As in vomiting and diarrhea sick. It was not fun. I finally stopped long enough to get dressed and head out to Galveston. Swung by McDonald’s for some Sprite and plain oatmeal figuring it would help settle my stomach, which it did at least for the hour and half drive.  Stopping to get Charlie lunch and me some more Sprite out of nowhere comes this sharp shooting pain all across my back in the kidney area. It was so bad I couldn’t drive until the pain subsided. 15 minutes later we were on the road again heading home.

Once home I was again sick. Promptly after losing my meager breakfast I laid down for a nap. 4 hours later I woke up still nauseous but feeling dehydrated. Around 6pm the pain started again, this time in my lower right abdomen. Sharp shooting pain ranking about an 8 on the 1-10 scale.  An hour and half later the pain was the same so I checked out Dr. Google ( of course) which said possible appendicitis. Dr. Google also recommended going to the hospital so I texted Dad to come get me and we headed to the ER.

Surprisingly there was no one in the ER when we arrived. I was quickly sent to an exam room, blood drawn and IV started for dehydration, pain meds, and anti-nausea. Love me some morphine! The only way to verify if my appendix really was the problem was to have a CT scan done. I drunk the dye flavored 7-UP well within the hour time frame. The ER doctor couldn’t believe I’d drunk it so quickly and looked at me funny when I said it didn’t take that bad and I’d had worse. Honestly, it tasted a lot like flat 7-UP which I’d been drinking all day anyway.

CT scan complete. Pain subsiding, no diarrhea or vomiting in the past 3 hours. I told Dad to take Charlie to his house and put him to bed. I’d call him when I got results back. Of course 10 minutes after Dad left the CT results were back. My appendix was fine. My colon was irritated and the doctor said I could expect more diarrhea (woot?) but my kidneys were also good. My blood panels were ok for being dehydrated.  I am not pregnant. The ER doctor was like “Why would they run a pregnancy test on a patient with a hysterectomy? but whatever.”

I home around 11:30pm. Charlie crawled into my bed along with the 2 dogs. Needless to say I didn’t get much sleep. I woke up with a raging headache Monday. I kept drinking fluids and followed the BRAT diet. I filled my prescriptions from the ER. I slept off and on. I managed to keep food down. The abdomen pain started up again around 5pm and started fading around 10pm.

Today I still have a headache but it is now a dull throbbing ache. I’m starting to get my appetite back. I have bruises from the needle pokes.

So how was your weekend?


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  1. Oh my! Was it something you ate at the wedding? I’m glad it wasn’t too serious.

    • I don’t think it was any of the food at the wedding per se. I did eat later than I’m used to plus richer food than I usually do which I *think* was part of it. But that does not explain the pain or the all day barfing and diarrhea so who knows.

  2. Katharine says

    Oh no! Im so glad it wasnt anything serious! Call if you need anything. Xoxo