>A free freezer & meal planning

>My sister-in-law is giving us her freezer. I am sooooo excited about this! I have started clearing out a space in the garage for the freezer. We won’t get it for a few more weeks because my SIL’s new one is on order.
My parents always had a stocked freezer with turkeys, meat, frozen dinners, frozen treats, veggies, etc. I know with having a little boy who will grow into a teenage boy, having a freezer for extra stuff will be invaluable. Heck, just being able to buy meat on sale & save it for later will help our food budget.

On that note, a friend told me about this book she bought called “Once a Month Cooking Family Favorites”. It is all about meal planning for 1 month. The book breaks down recipes into detailed shopping lists and sets up for an all day cook-fest with the entrees being frozen. The menus then provide the supplemental info for how & what to serve with that frozen entree when you are ready to serve it. There are 2 one month menus plus 2 two week menus. Additionally there are gluten-free menus plus a gourmet menu for those who like something a little fancier.

Now I will be the first to admit I do not like to cook and I am not a good cook. My mother wasn’t either. Most of what I can cook tends to be casseroles along with a few family favorites. My hubby is a very picky eater so I don’t get to make what I like very often or experiment with recipes.

I went & bought my own copy of this book. I have started reading it & checking out the recipes. Once we get the freezer, I am bound and determined to try this. I think I will start with one of the 2 week menus. I will let y’all know when I officially make & freeze the meals along with my hubby’s reactions.


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  1. PamperingBeki says
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