7 Ways to Complete Unfinished Tasks

my life such as it is clip art 7 ways to complete unfinished tasks

I am a procrastinator. I am easily distracted and get bored with some projects or tasks. This means I usually have quite a few UFPs (unfinished projects) laying around the house. Occasionally I will finish up a project or task without much nudging because I just needed to take a short break from it. Other times, it is ages before I finish something.

While cleaning out my parents closet last week I came across some small posters Mom had made up for various bible study classes. One deals with unfinished tasks so I thought I would share it with you. I am pretty confident that I’m not the only procrastinator or project hopper out there!

7 Ways to Complete Unfinished Tasks

  1.  Pray for wisdom. If you don’t pray, then seek wisdom from a variety of trusted sources.
  2.  Continue working on the task. Even if it means taking tiny baby steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day!
  3.  Encourage others to help you. This can be by physically helping out or just emotional/spiritual support.
  4.  Look for new ways to work at the task. Is there an easier way? Or can be combined with another task? Can you work on a different part of it now instead of what you were working on?
  5.  Avoid letting distractions pull you away. You still need to take breaks if the task is physical or takes a long time. Just get back to the process ASAP.
  6.  Make completing the task a priority.
  7.  Seek motivation by focusing on the positive results of the completed task.

This is the order that Mom wrote them in. The italics are the parts I added to her words of wisdom. Overall I think Mom’s advice is pretty solid. It isn’t anything new or earthshaking however, every now and then I need a reminder when I look at all my UFPs and think it is hopeless.

What steps do you take to complete unfinished tasks at work or around the house?

signature elizabeth my life such as it is.com

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